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Sandra A. Hawkins

Sandra Hawkins

Sandra A. Hawkins is the Founder and President of Sistahs' Ca Nect, Inc.

Sandra is a passionate advocate for young girls. She has worked for more than 30 years with girls in both formal and informal settings. After more than 28 years of experience working with Miami-Dade County Public Schools, in Finance and Guidance.

Sandra retired to follow her lifelong dream of working with teenage girls on a fulltime basis, after establishing Sistahs' Ca Nect, Inc. in 2009. Upon her retirement, Sandra continued Sistahs' Ca Nect, Inc. in 2011 to create a safe space where girls, ages 12- 18 can acquire the skills, knowledge and support they need to successfully transition into womanhood.

Sandra is double Barry University alumnus, receiving her Bachelors of Professional Studies with a concentration in Criminal Justice and a dual Masters of Science degree in Mental Health/Marriage & Family and Guidance.

Sandra has facilitated several girls groups such as Y.P.P.P. (Young Women with Purpose Power and Plans 2002 – 2004, established S.I.S.T.E.R. (Sociably, Intertwined, with Sincerity, Eagerness and Respect) 2004 -2006, facilitated, Sister L.O.V.E. (Ladies Of Virtue and Elegance) 2007 -2010.



Sistahs' Ca Nect


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